Wednesday, December 20, 2006
well, i was supposed to be making bread today. keyword:
wasbut then i was prohibited from going as i had to be with my mom to watch eragon.
Here's what i thought of the movie.
the movie was quite... bad. They changed so much that not even the proper storyline was retained. I cant really imagine how are they going to make the 2nd part of the movie, eldest, with so much gaps in the storyline! That is if they are even going to make eldest. there were a few important things missing from the movie.
first, murtagh was supposed to have a scar from his top right/left to his bottom left/right (im not sure about the direction.. lol the book is so not with me now) so not from his right to left. and the king was supposed to have not recognised him at first until they tried to probe into his mind and find a strong wall of defense. but
tadah there was no such things. besides, murtagh was supposed to have been locked away in a cell that didnt look at all like a cell. he was supposed to be happy in that cell. and nasuada was supposed to have visited him! but in the movie, where was he kept? in this strange barren room that got knocked down by a razac. O_O and when do we see nasuada? when she
walked into eragon's room. whatever happened to the slide!
second, eragon was supposed to have met the shade in an enclosed area. and saphira was supposed to come in at the last minute when eragon had kinda defeated the shade and was slowly dying. the battle was supposed to be more intense than what they portrayed in the in the movie. the shade, durza was supposed to have cut eragon on the back, injuring him so that the storyline could continue in eldest. (if not the transformation in eldest would not make any sense. at least no sense to me) so where was the cut?
third, eragon was supposed to have some feelings... veering towards a crush for arya. but sadly arya kept pushing him away. AND arya was NOT supposed to tell eragon that she was the princess of ellesmera! what on earth was that.
"i am arya, princess of ellesmera." as far as i know, arya was trying to run away from that tittle. RAWR.
[movie you die!] but what did the movie do? THEY MADE ARYA ENCOURAGE ERAGON! i am disappointed, liuliu-sama is disappointed.
fourth, where was the child that was blessed? where was that child who eragon had cursed but thought that he was blessing her? she's an important character in eldest. so where is she! rawr! i demand for the child now! I WANNA I WANNA I WANNA!
"twins! where are you! you're one of the main part of the story too! twins!!!" see, they didnt appear. wow. i am impressed. they had even cut out the twins.
sixth, murtagh was supposed to have been released to help them in their battle. in the movie, where was murtagh? inside his bare cell shouting,
"let me out!" until a razac? or something similar knocked into the cell breaking it. O_O i am impressed. really impressed. [can anyone sense the sarcasm dripping?]
many many things changed. the storyline dont really make much sense to me now. was throughly disappointed by the movie. but ohwells, even if the movie is disappointing, there's still the popcorn and nachos chips. enjoy!
You took the fall;
And thought of me;
Above all
4:23 PM
Saturday, December 16, 2006
"I'm supposed to
bold the true statementsItalise those which I wish were trueAnd leave the others alone"
wahahaha i stole this off eeeeeening's bloggie. =\ LOL rather strange but interesting wheehee
I miss somebody right now.I don't watch TV these days.I wear glasses or contact lenses. I've tried marijuana. [O_O]
I have been in a threesome. [O_O!!!]
I have been the psycho-ex in a past relationship. [O_O!!!!??]
I believe honesty is usually the best policy.I curse sometimes. [coz coz i go uk then hear everyone curse then i do the same also T.T waaaaaaaa]
I have changed a lot mentally over the last year.I carry my knife/razor everywhere with me.
Im totally smart I've broken someone's bones.I'm paranoid sometimes.
I would get plastic surgery if it were 100% safe, FOC and scar-free.
I need money right now. I love sushi. I talk really, really fast. I have long hair.
I have lost money in Las Vegas.
I have at least one sibling. I have worn fake hair/fingernails/eyelashes in the past.
I couldn't survive without Caller ID.
I am usually pessimistic.
I have a lot of mood swings.
have a hidden talent.I'm always hyper no matter how much sugar I have.I have a lot of friends. I am currently single.I have pecked someone of the same sex. [MAMA!]
I enjoy talking on the phone.I practically live in sweatpants or PJ pants.I love to shop.
I would rather shop than eat.
I don't hate anyone. I'm a pretty good dancer. I'm completely embarrased to be seen with my mother.
I have a cell phone.I believe in God. I watch MTV on a daily basis.
I have passed out drunk in the past 6 months.
I have rejected someone before.
I have no idea what I want to do for the rest of my life. I want to have children in the future.
I have changed a diaper before.I've called the cops on a friend before.
I'm not allergic to anything. I have a lot to learn. I've been with someone at least 10 years older or younger. [har?]
I am shy around the opposite sex.
I have tried alcohol before. [some are very nice =3]
I have made a move on a friend's significant other or crush in the past.
I own the "South Park" movie.
I would die for my best friend.I think that Pizza Hut has the best pizza.
I have used my sexuality to advance my career.
I love Michael Jackson, scandals and all. [er?]
Halloween is fun because you get candy. I watch Spongebob Squarepants and I like it. I am happy at this moment.I'm obsessed with guys.
I have more than just my ears pierced. I walk barefoot whenever I can.I have jumped off a bridge.I love sea turtles.I spend ridiculous money on make-up.
I plan on achieving a major goal/dream.I'm proficient in a musical instrument.I've worked at McDonald's restaurant.
I hate office jobs.
I love sci-fi movies.I think water rules.I went college out of state.
I like sausages.
I love kissesI fall for the worst people.
I adore bright colours.I can't live without black eyeliner.
I don't know why the hell I just did this stupid thing.I can pick up things with my toes.I can't whistle.I can move my tongue in waves.
I have ridden a horse.I still have every journal I've ever written in.I can't stick to a diet.I talk in my sleep.
I try to forget things by drowning them with distractions. Climbing trees is a brilliant past-time.I have jazz in my blood.
I wear a toe ring.I have a tattoo.I can't stand at LEAST one person that I work with.I am a caffeine junkie.
I cosplay/
know what cosplaying is.I have been to over 15 conventions.
I will collect anything, and the more nonsensical the better.I'm an artist.I only clean my room when necessary.I like a person of the same sex.
You took the fall;
And thought of me;
Above all
6:47 PM
thinking about the question 'between worlds' for the second time and researching about it again, i realised that the title 'between worlds' mean so much more than just what I've analyzed it to be. it does not only mean different cultures or rather really different planets. It can also mean the life and afterlife. While meaning all that, it can also mean the gaming world and the living world.
it's underlying meaning? 2 totally different areas.
totally different. different areas that you can consider is a world. religion? gaming? stuff like that.
thinking about it again, i might must... i dunno... write about a personal account or narrative about er
maple story. sounds pretty stupid, but i supposed that those experiences would be different. i suppose if you log into maple, it's like going into an entirely different world. haha, where can you find a maple island, victoria island, ossyria, zipangu, ludibrium and even a happyville when it is nearing Christmas! =\ it helps you to escape from the problems of the real world. the problems that you would NEVER get in the maple. wheeheee
sounds like a good plan for the compo. WHEEHEE! perhaps i should really change my compo storyline to that. coz it's like you're living between worlds. right? =D
You took the fall;
And thought of me;
Above all
5:00 PM
Thursday, December 14, 2006

oh ya and before i forget. upload pictures! tadah, so adorable.
You took the fall;
And thought of me;
Above all
9:57 PM
my lip is swollen. i strongly suspect a mozzie bit my lip! RAWR. i dunno how it ot to my lip without me noticing it! i don't think im that blur right? T.T waaaaaaaaaa then tmr i have to go for cca with a swollen lip. =sobs=
orh orh and deathnote songs are actually very nice. for example alumina (the ending song for the anime) and the WORLD (opening song for the anime) both of the songs are sang by this jap band called nightmare. although not that popular but it's really quite good. and the songs really do suit deathnote. like which other anime would have a song lyric like "an evil flower sprouted because it was loved..." and "im a believer who can keep on walking so as to engrave into this world's memories" hahaha see deathnote really do rawk.
(wow, mozilla is picking up ALL of my words, claiming that they are all spelt wrongly.)
HANA KIMI RAWKS. all go watch hana kimi now!
er hmm, debating if i should change my background to something involving fei lun hai or hana kimi... or DIGIMON SAVERS. O_O
=spaces out and dies=
You took the fall;
And thought of me;
Above all
9:48 PM
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
=\, blogger beta is so strange... so wells. installing beta was just by a mistake WAAA
hmm lemmie see, qinnie, ky, sy and lette came to my house! wahahahahha. actually in the morn when the sun was high up in the sky, qinnie knocked on my door and let herself in. since i was still taking breakfast at my mom's orders, qinnie had an 'interview' with my mom. well, it seemed as though it is an interview! my mom ask question then qinnie answer. so frightening. =shivers= i wonder how qinnie must have felt then. i think it must have been a torture. ARH! but luckily ky came after 20 minutes of torture for qinnie and we were rescued from the er HORRIBLE questions of my mom!
right, so we walked out slowly to pick ky coz we were afraid that the guard wont let him in. Then when both of us finally saw him at the bus stop, i got one of the worst shock of my life.
he actually grew T.T then then not grow a bit. it's GROW A LOT. now he's taller than qinnie and a lil shorter than me! WAAAA. and and about the same height as zhen. =anger mark appears=
although i want an older brother, i dont want a little brother that suddenly grow so tall and becomes ani T.T i want ky to be short the rest of his life. WAHAHAHAHA. oh yes where was i before i started drifting... er, ya so we walked back by the basement. and i took out the chain thingy that the guards put onto the bicycles and car park area just for fun. wasnt trying to rebel against anything or anyone. just wanted to see if our guards were efficient. but in the end, when we walked out of the house at about 4.40 going to 5, no one noticed the chain.
we did stuff on the computer. hmm, actually i've forgotten what we did. but we did something and brought CL into the computer room. then er, i remember i was facing the computer and looking at my handphone when sy came in and gave me a heart attack. eeps. we did more stuff on the computer, then sy had to leave. so... we did more stuff and felt really bored. AH, i remember, we were watching HACK when sy came. then we started watching... something else. then i remember my computer was updated. LOL. er it was a boring day.
then we went to pick colette coz her mom doesnt really want her to walk down the slope alone. so we met her at the bottom of the slope. yes, and ky complained about his slippers. i forgot what though. when we met lette, she er hmm started talking. WAHAHAHA, we are quiet ppl unlike smart people with ideas on what to talk about. OH we started talking about dancing and and qinnie was very quiet and ky was requesting for a topic change! yesyes, but in the end the topic never did really changed LOL
we taught lette how to play audition! it is a very good accomplishment. then we took lunch. jsut because of lette and her "liuliu must eat more than me and faster than me" rule i almost died of over-eating and speed eating. T.T orh help me. it's not my fault that i eat less than ppl of my size. but im still a healthy, fat and large boned human. i wished i was an alien though. waaaaa. bananas rawks!
hmm so in the end when lette left we ended up sleeping/watching anime/throwing snoopy at each other. (er you can use ur imagination for this part.)
since liuliu has to go for cca tmr, she shall go and sleep. wheehee!
You took the fall;
And thought of me;
Above all
10:35 PM
Monday, December 04, 2006
=\ wahahaha, i've finally uploaded all my pictures onto the comp! (=
lemmie upload this picture of the train ticket collector that posed for me without me asking him for a pose. i rawk! =D
CL went crazy just now coz of the vacuum cleaner so she's kinda tearing around the place now! yay! later soggae is coming and we shall do MATH together. horrible horrible math! we shall make you self destruct and die in our hands. WAHAHAHAHA.
yesterday my vcd player self destructed and died with my neighbour's limited edition i not stupid too vcd inside. i am so dead~~ the only thing i can do now is pray like mad that the vcd can be rescued out in one piece, if not... there goes my head. who wants to save me! T.T saaaaaaaaaaavvvvvvveeeeeeeeeeeeee me! and another reason why the vcd should be in a right condition is because i wanna watch the deleated scenes!! they said that it was very funny! they - mainly ppl called my neighbours who are nut fm jan! (=
i think i must turn girlish soon if not i will be left out of the peeps! even soggae is turning girlish T.T she spent a very long time preparing herself today. so i deduce that SOGGAE MUST BE TURNING GIRLISH! oh nooooooo! ohwells. i shall stop here, stop before my mom comes to invade coz CL is running amok.
You took the fall;
And thought of me;
Above all
11:10 AM
Friday, December 01, 2006
wahahhaa im back! actually was back for quite sometime already!hmm i promised that i would blog. so here goes. i should blog about the cycling trip that i went on! teehee. we cycled from my house to pierce. and there was only 4 kids. 2 fourteen, 1 twelve and 1 eleven! (nut, me, fm and jan) and fm was leading us there as he was the most experienced, during that cycling trip nut, me and jan were tired all the time and stopping every 3 minutes. not very good but ohwells.when we finally arrived at pierce, we saw people feeding monkeys, we ignored the first person we saw feeding the monkeys and proceeded to this slope that was super fun. the slope was quite steep and if we go on high speed we can feel as if we were floating on the bike. it was amazing. after we went up and down that slope 2 times, (up was horrible, it was so tiring. i wonder how people can survive climbing that kind of slope =sobs=) we spotted this man feeding the monkeys. and guess where was he feeding the monkeys? right beside the "no feeding monkeys" sign. I think he doesnt know how to read. what a weirdo. being the civil and righteous people we were, we took a photo of his car plate number and i took a video of it. it didnt come out properly though, the video i mean. coz the thingy sucked. what's that? i mean my hands sucks, it was too shaky. =\okyee, it's tennis time. and im beginning to sound like my sister =.=
You took the fall;
And thought of me;
Above all
6:25 PM
wahahhaa im back! actually was back for quite sometime already!hmm i promised that i would blog. so here goes. i should blog about the cycling trip that i went on! teehee. we cycled from my house to pierce. and there was only 4 kids. 2 fourteen, 1 twelve and 1 eleven! (nut, me, fm and jan) and fm was leading us there as he was the most experienced, during that cycling trip nut, me and jan were tired all the time and stopping every 3 minutes. not very good but ohwells.when we finally arrived at pierce, we saw people feeding monkeys, we ignored the first person we saw feeding the monkeys and proceeded to this slope that was super fun. the slope was quite steep and if we go on high speed we can feel as if we were floating on the bike. it was amazing. after we went up and down that slope 2 times, (up was horrible, it was so tiring. i wonder how people can survive climbing that kind of slope =sobs=) we spotted this man feeding the monkeys. and guess where was he feeding the monkeys? right beside the "no feeding monkeys" sign. I think he doesnt know how to read. what a weirdo. being the civil and righteous people we were, we took a photo of his car plate number and i took a video of it. it didnt come out properly though, the video i mean. coz the thingy sucked. what's that? i mean my hands sucks, it was too shaky. =\okyee, it's tennis time. and im beginning to sound like my sister =.=
You took the fall;
And thought of me;
Above all
6:25 PM